ome weeks ago, the Spanish government unveiled
its package to reform the electricity sector with the main objective of ending the
tariff deficit. This arises as the difference between the regulated costs of
the electricity firms and the revenues obtained through regulated tariffs paid
by consumers. Its volume, 28 billion euros by the end of 2012, highlights the
main regulatory problems of the Spanish electricity sector. The tariff deficit is the result
of bad past regulation (controlling the prices without reflecting underlying
costs) and constitutes an enormous distributive problem. According to experts
Natalia Fabra and Jordi Ortega, the remuneration of renewal energies has been
the scapegoat of the tariff deficit. Fabra argues that “the reform places the
burden of the cost of adjustment mainly on renewal energies and consumers, and
leaves untouched conventional energy despite the fact that its
over-remuneration is in the origin of the tariff deficit. The new legislation
does not define a regulatory framework that is able to face the challenges of
the electricity sector.” The new regulation alters the remuneration of
investments in renewals that have already been made. The reform leaves intact
the current electricity market and the remuneration of conventional energies
(nuclear, hydro, coal and natural gas).
reforming the electricity sector amounts to solving together efficiency issues
(allocative efficiency and energy efficiency), income distribution and
environmental challenges. Europe has given too much discretion to member
states, as argued by another expert, Juan Delgado, and Spain keeps using this
discretion in a way that is inefficient, distributionaly regressive and
environmentally reckless. Final prices should be related to real costs by
introducing capacity markets and incentive regulation of the network elements. A
reasonable reform should favour the entry of new competitors and the
integration of European markets and commit to objectives of financial and
environmental sustainability and energy efficiency. The process of reform has
been characterized by debates behind close doors and ministerial disputes. Transparency
has been absent, as opposed to what happens in countries with better regulatory
systems, where a a white paper, stakeholder participation, and input from
an independent regulator (for example evaluating the alternatives) would have been
conventional. However, at the same time, the Spanish government is
abolishing the independent energy regulatory agency.
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