First, information
reduces tax evasion: he argues that Scandinavian tax systems have very wide
coverage of third party information reporting, and more generally,
well-developed information trails that ensure a low level of evasion.
Second, broad
bases reduce tax avoidance: there are few exceptions and reductions, so that
behavioral tricks cannot be used to avoid paying taxes. One example is focusing on high indirect taxation (25% of VAT rate), which although paradoxically
is regressive, has lower efficiency costs than direct taxation.
taxes and public expenditures are complementary of labour supply, for example
promoting the work of women or investment in human capital through good
education systems.
also explores the argument that all this is cultural and social, and based on the irreplicable
fact that these societies are small and homogeneous. He argues that the social
features that support this line of reasoning are also endogenous to the
policies, and therefore there is no reason why lessons cannot be extracted for
larger democratic aggregates.