The Musk/Trump government must not be treated as a new administration, but as an attempt at regime change, internally and globally.
Serious enough things are happening as making passivity or indifference morally unacceptable. I can’t even understand how there is a debate about this in the US Democratic Party. I can’t think of any regime change that has been stopped by waiting for their authors to stumble and make mistakes.
Enough has happened, but at least it should be treated as a small probability of something (or several things) catastrophic happening, like a nuclear accident or a major public health problem.
The rich and powerful thought that politics and economics were separable, that you could lobby for lower taxation and regulation, and at the same time keep democracy stable.
It is the same mistake as in the 1930s, which does not mean that this is exactly like the 1930s. But we should not wait until we find out.
Mobilization is needed, in the US and in Europe. That’s why what happened yesterday in Rome is important.
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